EU Central Qualifier

Logo Turnier EU Central Qualifier





Checked in

40 / 64





Check-In Start

19.06.2023 02:00 o'clock

Check-In End

19.06.2023 18:31 o'clock

Tournament Start

19.06.2023 19:00 o'clock


Welcome to phase one of the R6 Central Combine! This qualifier is exclusive for teams having at least three active players from the eu central region. The official residency of each player will be determined by ebattle’s verification check before the semifinals. The check is mandatory to compete in the semifinals of this event.

This qualifier will be played in a BO1, single elimination bracket. Every team that doesn’t qualify through this tournament can attend every further qualifier.

Each Match will have a Match-Channel created on our discord to communicate with the opposing team, as well as the tournament administration. Please join our Discord now and link your profile with discord to be automatically added to the Match-Channel!

Tournament start (Monday): 19:00 CEST
2nd round: 20:15 CEST
3rd round: 21:30 CEST

Tournament start (Friday): 19:00 CEST
2nd round: 20:15 CEST
3rd round: 21:30 CEST

New to R6 Central Combine? Let's get started!

Join us:

  1. Login using your R6 Central Combine account or register a new account.
  2. Please make sure to enter your "Ubisoft Connect ID" (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).
  3. Navigate to "My Account" -> "My Profile" -> Connect your Discord-Account (make sure to connect the correct Discord account, you are currently using!). With this connection, you will get access to your matchchannels while participating a tournament.

Get your team ready:

  1. Navigate to "My Account" -> "My Teams".
  2. Click "Create Team" to create a new team.
  3. Enter your team details and press "Create now".
  4. You can find and edit your team in "My Account" -> "My Teams".
  5. Make sure your teammates create an account.
  6. Invite your teammates to your team by using the "Invitation link" you can find in your team.
  7. Please make sure that at least 2-3 members of your team have their Discord account connected in their account.
  8. Browse through our tournaments and register your team.

Tournament participation checklist:

  • Did you connect your correct Discord account in your account?
  • Do 2-3 players from your team have Discord and linked?
  • Make sure you can find your team in "Participants" after signing up for a tournament.
  • Make sure to read the tournament description carefully to know all the important information about the tournament.
  • You can find the full rulebook for each tournament in "Rules"